"One of the best Shakespeare plays I'll ever watch"
"Riotously fun...hugely enjoyable"
"The ultimate British theatrical experience"
In 2025 we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary with a joyous summer season of music, history and hilarity. We present a brand new Tudor comedy set in the flourishing age of Elizabethan theatre, alongside Shakespeare’s iconic tale of midsummer madness and mischief. One promises regicidal rivalries, devious dramatics, and plotting playwrights, and the other a feuding fairy King & Queen, runaway lovers, and a troupe of quite appalling actors.

Theatre in the great outdoors
The Three Inch Fools stage inventive, musically-driven theatre in the great outdoors. Our troupe of actors hit the road with a host of musical instruments, props and costumes, bringing stories to life in innovative and unexpected ways, at some of the UK’s most spectacular historic and natural landmarks.
Over the last eight years we have performed at over 170 different venues, to almost 100,000 audience members. We have built a reputation for staging innovative and vibrant productions - a fast-paced, musically-driven style, using all sorts of different instruments, plenty of multi-roling and many a quick costume change along the way!
Each Summer we hit the road with our contemporary take on the traditional touring troupe, performing - come rain come shine - in the great British outdoors. We perform in almost any kind of setting and in all sorts of places. To date, we have performed at some of the UK's most stunning castles, stately homes and historic barns, National Trust and English Heritage properties, village greens, churches, cathedrals, market places, an old fire station, a medieval crypt, a garlic farm, a royal residence and even a seaside pier - all the world's a stage!