A Midsummer Night's Dream

Innerpeffray Library

10 July - 7pm

It’s Midsummer’s eve and deep in an enchanted forest mischief is stirring. The Fairy King and Queen are feuding, four runaway lovers are tying themselves in knots, and a troupe of quite appalling actors are preparing a theatrical extravaganza destined to impress. With shapeshifting trouble-maker Puck at the helm, the course of true love never did run smooth.

Book Tickets Online

Booking Information

Tickets for this performance are yet to be released. For advanced purchase please contact info@charlton-park.org

Booking Information

Tickets for this performance are yet to be released. For advanced purchase please contact enquiries@scottsabbotsford.co.uk

Booking Information

To book tickets, please call the Box Office on 01833 627419

Booking Information

To book tickets for this performance, please contact the box office on 07741 492717 or email ghfawkes@btinternet.com

Booking Information

Tickets for this performance are yet to be released. Why not email boxoffice@threeinchfools.com and we will send you a notification when sales go live. That way you can be sure you won’t miss out!

This performance is an outdoor performance. We recommend that you bring blankets/chairs/cushions etc. to sit on. Come prepared for the weather with warm coats and waterproofs etc, as the performance will continue come rain come shine! We ask that you don’t bring umbrellas as these can obscure the view for other people in the audience. 7pm start time, gates open from 6:30pm. The performance will last approximately 100 minutes (+ a 20 minute interval).

Picnics are welcome at this performance.

We recommend booking tickets for this performance online in advance.

The Play

The Performance

Open Doors Time6:30pm
Performance Start Time7pm
Ticket PricesStandard ticket £20, with reductions for under-18s and families. (Limited number of Early-Bird tickets available until 31st March)
Performance TypeOutdoor

The Venue

NameInnerpeffray Library
Venue WebsiteInnerpeffray Library